
Coming up next week in FIRST LIGHT we have one workshop presentation and four different readings! First up is the EST/Sloan RoughCut presentation of Soldier of the Mind by Justin Fleming. Next we have The Drive by Anna Moench & Rob Rusli which is unfortunately for you, sold out. Then we have The Devil's Salt by France-Luce Benson*, Pluto by Bridgette Wimberly* & The Hundred Year Flood by Meghan Deans. There is something to see for everyone, check out all the deatils below!


EST/Sloan Rough Cut Presentation

Soldier of The Mind by Justin Fleming

Saturday, February 16 @ 7pm & Sunday, February 17 @ 2pm

Against his father’s wishes, Santiago Cajal secretly pursues his dreams of being an artist, while compliantly studying medicine. In the scientific
backwater of Barcelona, he discovers that the brain is composed of independent neurons. Armed with his secret talent for art, he embarks on an extraordinary mission to show the world his discovery.

Directed by John Giampietro* with Julie Fitzpatrick*+, Richmond Hoxie*+, Alfredo Narciso*+, & Michael Tisdale+

*denotes EST Member +denotes AEA


The Drive by Anna Moench & Rob Rusli

Monday, February 18 @ 7pm

A musical account of the motivations and actions of Lisa Nowak, the NASA astronaut who was apprehended on her way to murder her lover’s fiancée.



The Devil’s Salt by France-Luce Benson*

Tuesday, February 19 @ 3pm

As practiced by Haitian firebrand Jean Dominique, Agronomy, the science of soil management and crop production, becomes a dangerously
revolutionary act.

FREE & on the 6th floor. Reserve your seat by clicking here.


Pluto by Bridgette Wimberly*

Friday, February 22 @ 7pm

Astronomy proves to be a lifeline for young man in his quest to survive his youth and connect to his troubled father.

FREE & on the 6th floor. Reserve your seat by clicking here.


The Hundred Year Flood by Meghan Deans

Sunday, February 24 @ 4pm

A civil engineer in charge of deciding which flood-ruined homes to buy for a land reclamation project finds her task complicated when her high
school boyfriend comes back to town and files a claim for the house he grew up in.

FREE & on the 6th floor. Reserve your seat by clicking here.


Click here for more information on FIRST LIGHT 2013