Monday, April 28
Frames Bowling Lounge

What’s a bowlathon?

On April 28, dozens of EST’s artists, staff, board members, friends, family, and more will velcro their shoes, polish their bowling bowls, and hit the lanes to support the development of countless new works and artists this season. It’s a “fun”-raiser like no other!

Two ways to get involved

You can either sign-up to bowl with us or pledge a bowler (or two, or three).

1) join as a bowler

Anyone can sign-up to bowl for EST! Pick a snazzy nickname, then enlist your friends and family to pledge cents or dollars per point for your final score. It’s free to sign-up, but we ask each bowler try to secure at least 10 pledges or $5.00 worth of pledges for each point scored. This could be a combination of many smaller pledges (ten pledges at $0.50/pt, for example) or a few larger pledges. The more pledges the better!

On April 28, we eat, drink, take lots of selfies, celebrate our community, and most importantly, BOWL. The higher the pledges, the higher the scores, the more money raised to support EST. After the event, we'll send your score to your sponsors, along with how to fulfill their pledge by making a tax-deductible donation. Easy as that!

2) pledge a bowler

Every pledge you make directly fuels EST’s mission to provide extraordinary support to artists. Sponsor a friend in the community, an artist you’ve seen on stage, or a staff member you recognize — anyone! Every pledge makes a huge impact.


See some highlights from Bowlathons past!